The Flamingo

The Flamingo

Flamingo trend summer 2015, ms littles bag, striped skirt, skater skirt, how to wear, gonna a ruota, gonne a righe, look fashion blog It-Girl by Eleonora Petrella

Il primo outfit post di settembre e la sensazione nell’aria che qualcosa stia per cambiare.
Difficile spiegare esattamente che cosa, ma sarà che questo Capodanno nel bel mezzo dell’anno ci sconvolge sempre un po’.

Forse perché ci riporta alla realtà, ci ricorda che l’estate è quasi giunta al termine e che tutto ciò che abbiamo rimandato fino ad ora, non starà da parte ancora a lungo.
Sarà quel che sarà, agende, calendari, mail, messaggi, Whatsapp (e le molte meno foto di spiagge bianche ad acque cristalline) oramai ci hanno svegliate del tutto dal nostro dolce sogno estivo.
Io do il benvenuto al mese di settembre così: tanto rosa, una bellissima gonna a ruota ed una pochette di Ms. Little’s bag con un simpaticissimo fenicottero! Non male come inizio, no!?

The first outfit post in September and the feeling in the air that something is about to change.
It’s difficult to explain exactly what is going on,
but this New Year in the middle of the year always upsets us a lot!
Maybe because it brings us back to reality, reminds us that summer is almost at an end and that all things that we have postponed until now, will not stand by any longer.
Diaries, calendars, email, messages, WhatsApp (and far fewer pictures of white beaches and crystal clear waters) have completely awakened us from our sweet summer dream.
So, I want to welcome the month of September in this way: a lot of rose, a beautiful skater skirt and a clutch by Ms. Little’s bag with a funny flamingo! Not a bad start, isn’t it!?

Flamingo trend summer 2015, ms littles bag, striped skirt, skater skirt, how to wear, gonna a ruota, gonne a righe, look fashion blog It-Girl by Eleonora Petrella

Flamingo trend summer 2015, ms littles bag, striped skirt, skater skirt, how to wear, gonna a ruota, gonne a righe, look fashion blog It-Girl by Eleonora Petrella

Flamingo trend summer 2015, ms littles bag, striped skirt, skater skirt, how to wear, gonna a ruota, gonne a righe, look fashion blog It-Girl by Eleonora Petrella

Flamingo trend summer 2015, ms littles bag, striped skirt, skater skirt, how to wear, gonna a ruota, gonne a righe, look fashion blog It-Girl by Eleonora Petrella

Flamingo trend summer 2015, ms littles bag, striped skirt, skater skirt, how to wear, gonna a ruota, gonne a righe, look fashion blog It-Girl by Eleonora Petrella

Flamingo trend summer 2015, ms littles bag, striped skirt, skater skirt, how to wear, gonna a ruota, gonne a righe, look fashion blog It-Girl by Eleonora Petrella

Flamingo trend summer 2015, ms littles bag, striped skirt, skater skirt, how to wear, gonna a ruota, gonne a righe, look fashion blog It-Girl by Eleonora Petrella


TOP: Zara

SKIRT: Chicwish

HEELS: Sergio Levantesi

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