Those autumn colors

Those autumn colors

Jack French London – fashion blogger It-Girl by Eleonora Petrella

Il tempo sta passando così velocemente.
A momenti ieri pubblicavamo su Instagram i nostri costumi più belli ed oggi viviamo giornate che diventano buie a metà pomeriggio, correndo da una parte all’altra della città su tappeti di foglie secche.

In un attimo sfoggeremo Moon boot e tute da sci, scaldando le mani attorno ad una tazza di cioccolata calda con su scritto “Joyeux Noël”.
In un attimo sì, ma non prima di aver fotografato gli splendidi colori dell’autunno.
Sfumature di verde, arancio e marrone. Calde ed avvolgenti.
Lo scorso weekend ho scelto di abbinarmi ad un bellissimo paesino al nord dell’Abruzzo.
Ho indossato uno spolverino oliva, una mini in camoscio con abbottonatura centrale, un paio di pumps nude e la mia nuova borsa secchiello di Jack French London
con una bellissima stampa floreale oro e argento su sfondo nero.
Disponibile sul e-shop officiale in tantissimi altri colori, ma per questa è stato amore a prima vista!

Time flies so quickly.
Some weeks ago we shared our favorite bikinis on Instagram and today we live days that become dark at mid-afternoon, running from one side to the other of the city on a carpet of dry leaves.
In a moment we’ll wear Moon boots and ski suits, warming our hands around a mug of hot chocolate with a “Merry Christmas” on it.
In a moment, yes, but not before shooting all the beautiful autumn colors.
Shades of green, orange and brown. Warm and welcoming.
Just like the ones that you see in this outfit post.
Last weekend I chose to wear an olive long trench, a suede mini skirt, a pair of nude pumps and my new bucket bag by Jack French London with a beautiful floral gold and silver print on a black background.
Available on the Jack French London e-shop in many other colors, but for this one was love at first sight!

Jack French London – fashion blogger It-Girl by Eleonora Petrella

Jack French London – fashion blogger It-Girl by Eleonora Petrella

Jack French London – fashion blogger It-Girl by Eleonora Petrella

Jack French London – fashion blogger It-Girl by Eleonora Petrella

Jack French London – fashion blogger It-Girl by Eleonora Petrella

Jack French London – fashion blogger It-Girl by Eleonora Petrella

Jack French London – fashion blogger It-Girl by Eleonora Petrella

Jack French London – fashion blogger It-Girl by Eleonora Petrella

Jack French London – fashion blogger It-Girl by Eleonora Petrella


DRESS: Choies

SKIRT: Choies

SHOES: Kammi

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